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  • 姓名: 王晓明
  • 性别: 男
  • 职称: 研究员
  • 职务: 
  • 学历: 博士研究生
  • 电话: 
  • 传真: 
  • 电子邮件: wxm@aircas.ac.cn
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    简  历:
  • 王晓明,中国科学院空天信息创新研究院,研究员,中国科学院“百人计划”青年项目入选者。研究方向为卫星导航(GNSS)高精度数据处理及应用,重点开展GNSS大气遥感、掩星探测、多源融合定位和卫星定轨等方面研究。先后主持承担中国科学院A类先导专项子课题、国家面上自然基金、部委和地方科技项目等11个科研项目。在RSE和JGR等高水平期刊发表SCI论文45篇,中文核心2篇,被Nature等期刊总引用1200余次,最高单篇引用达180多次,申请发明专利11项,获得软件著作权2项,相关研究成果获得了北京市科技进步奖和中国测绘学会科技进步奖2项。在国际大地测量协会(IAG)牵头成立了“Multi-GNSS for Weather and Climate Resiliency”工作组并担任主席,在International GNSS Service(IGS)、中国空间学会空间探测专业委员会和中国卫星导航定位协会等机构担任委员,担任Remote Sensing、Springer Discovery和Revue Internationale de Geomatique等国际期刊编辑。


    2023.12—至今     中国科学院空天信息创新研究院      研究员

    2018.07—2024.12  中国科学院空天信息创新研究院      副研究员

    2017.11—2018.07  中国科学院光电研究院              副研究员

  • 卫星导航(GNSS)高精度数据处理

  • (1) 临基GNSS大气探测技术研究与设备研制 负责人 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)2018.01-2022.12

    (2) 中国科学院率先行动计划项目  负责人 中国科学院 2017.11-2022.11

    (3) 面向短时临近数值天气预报的GNSS实时大气反演与数据同化关键技术负责人 国家自然科学基金(面上项目)       2025.01-2028.12

    (4) 融合地基GNSS大气水平梯度模型的空基掩星探测 负责人 国家自然科学基金(青年项目)        2020.01-2022.12

    (5) 空基平台时空基准 负责人 国家任务   2023.09-2025.07

    (6) BDS/GNSS高精度实时水汽四维模型构建及其在暴雨天气研究中的应用 负责人 北京市自然基金  2018.01-2019.12

    (7) 基于低轨的掩星监测技术研究项目 负责人 地方项目2021.06-2021.12

  • [1]  Wang Xiaoming, Kefei Zhang, Suqin Wu, Zishen Li, Yingyan Cheng, Li Li, Hong Yuan. 2018. The correlation between GNSS-derived precipitable water vapor and sea surface temperature and its responses to El Niño–Southern Oscillation. Remote Sensing of Environment, 216:1-12. (SCI)

    [2] Wang, Xiaoming, Yufei Chen, Jinglei Zhang, Cong Qiu, Kai Zhou, Haobo Li, Qiuying Huang. 2024. Assessment of BDS-3 PPP-B2b Service and Its Applications for the Determination of Precipitable Water Vapour. Atmosphere, 15:1048 (SCI)

    [3] Wang, Xiaoming, Kai Zhou, Jinglei Zhang, Haobo Li, Hong Liang, Manhong Tu, Yufei Chen, Cong Qiu, Li Li. 2024. An investigation of PPP-B2b coverage and its performance in ZTD estimation and positioning in different regions. Survey Review, (SCI)

    [4] Wang, Xiaoming, K. Zhang, S. Wu, S. Fan, and Y. Cheng (2016), Water vapor-weighted mean temperature and its impact on the determination of precipitable water vapor and its linear trend, 121, 833–852, Journal of Geophysical Research (SCI)

    [5] Wang, Xiaoming, Yingyan Cheng, Suqin Wu, and Kefei Zhang (2016), An enhanced singular spectrum analysis method for constructing nonsecular model of GPS site movement. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121: 2193-2211 (SCI)

    [6] Wang, Xiaoming, Yingyan Cheng, Suqin Wu, and Kefei Zhang (2016), "An effective toolkit for the interpolation and gross error detection of GPS time series, Survey Review, 48, no. 348 (2016): 202-211 (SCI)

    [7] Wang, Xiaoming, Kefei Zhang, Suqin Wu, Changyong He, Yingyan Cheng, and Xingxing Li (2017), Determination of zenith hydrostatic delay and its impact on GNSS-derived integrated water vapor, Atmospheric measurement techniques 10, no. 8 (2017): 2807-2820 (SCI)

    [8] Haobo Li, Xiaoming Wang, Suelynn Choy, Suqin Wu, Chenhui Jiang, Jinglei Zhang, Cong Qiu, Li Li, KeFei Zhang. 2022. A New Cumulative Anomaly-Based Model for the Detection of Heavy Precipitation Using GNSS-Derived Tropospheric Products. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60: 410571. (SCI) (通讯作者)

    [9] Haobo Li, Xiaoming Wang, Suelynn Choy, Chenhui Jiang, Suqin Wu, Jinglei Zhang, Cong Qiu, Kai Zhou, Li Li, Erjiang Fu, Kefei Zhang. 2022. Detecting heavy rainfall using anomaly-based percentile thresholds of predictors derived from GNSS-PWV. Atmospheric Research, 265:105912 (SCI) (通讯作者)

    [10] Haobo Li, Xiaoming Wang, Suqin Wu, Kefei Zhang, Xialan Chen, Jinglei Zhang, Cong Qiu, Shaotian Zhang, Li Li. 2021. An Improved Model for Detecting Heavy Precipitation Using GNSS-Derived Zenith Total Delay Measurements. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14:5392 (SCI) (通讯作者)

    [11] Cong Qiu, Xiaoming Wang, Kai Zhou, Jinglei Zhang, Yufei Chen, Haobo Li, Dingyi Liu, Hong Yuan. 2023. Comparative Assessment of Spire and COSMIC-2 Radio Occultation Data Quality. Remote Sensing, 15:5028 (SCI) (通讯作者)

    [12] Shiji Xin, Xiaoming Wang, Jinglei Zhang, Kai Zhou, Yufei Chen. 2023. A Comparative Study of Factor Graph Optimization-Based and Extended Kalman Filter-Based PPP-B2b/INS Integrated Navigation. Remote Sensing, 15:5144 (通讯作者)

    [13] Yufei Chen, Xiaoming Wang, Kai Zhou, Jinglei Zhang, Cong Qiu, Haobo Li, Shiji Xin. 2023. Real-Time Precise Point Positioning during Outages of thePPP-B2b Service. Remote Sensing, 15:784 (SCI) (通讯作者)

    [14] Haobo Li, Xiaoming Wang, Suqin Wu, Kefei Zhang, Erjiang Fu, Ying Xu, Cong Qiu, Jinglei Zhang, Li Li. 2021. A New Method for Determining an Optimal Diurnal Threshold of GNSS Precipitable Water Vapor for Precipitation Forecasting. Remote Sensing , 13:1390 (SCI) (通讯作者)

    [15] Jinglei Zhang, Xiaoming Wang, Zishen Li, Shuhui Li, Cong Qiu, Haobo Li, Shaotian Zhang, Li Li. 2020. The Impact of Different Ocean Tide Loading Models on GNSS Estimated Zenith Tropospheric Delay Using Precise Point Positioning Technique. Remote Sensing, 12:3080 (SCI) (通讯作者)

    [16] Qiu, Cong, Xiaoming Wang, Zishen Li, Shaotian Zhang, Haobo Li, Jinglei Zhang, Hong Yuan. 2020. The Performance of Different Mapping Functions and Gradient Models in the Determination of Slant Tropospheric Delay. Remote Sensing, 12:130 (SCI) (通讯作者)

    [17] Huang, Qiuying, Xiaoming Wang, Haobo Li, Jinglei Zhang, Zhaowei Han, Dingyi Liu, Yaping Li, Hongxin Zhang. 2024. The Zenith Total Delay Combination of International GNSS Service Repro3 and the Analysis of Its Precision. Remote Sensing, 16: 3885 (SCI) (通讯作者)

    [18] Zhaowei Han, Xiaoming Wang, Jinglei Zhang, Shiji Xin, Qiuying Huang, Sizhe Shen. 2024. An Improved Velocity-Aided Method for Smartphone Single-Frequency Code Positioning in Real-World Driving Scenarios. Remote Sensing, 16: 3988 (SCI) (通讯作者)

    [19] Shaotian Zhang, Xiaoming Wang, Zishen Li, Cong Qiu, Jinglei Zhang, Haobo Li. 2020. A New Four-Layer Inverse Scale Height Grid Model of China for Zenith Tropospheric Delay Correction. IEEE Access, 8:210171 (SCI) (通讯作者)

    [20] Qiu, Cong, Xiaoming Wang, Haobo Li, Kai Zhou, Jinglei Zhang, Zhe Li, Dingyi Liu, Hong Yuan. 2023. A Comparison of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height Determination Methods Using GNSS Radio Occultation Data. Atmosphere, 14:1654 (SCI) (通讯作者)

    [21] Haobo Li, Xiaoming Wang, Kefei Zhang, Suqin Wu, Ying Xu, Yang Liu, Cong Qiu, Jinglei Zhang, Erjiang Fu, Li Li. 2021. A neural network-based approach for the detection of heavy precipitation using GNSS observations and surface meteorological data. Journal of Atmospheric, 225:105763 (SCI) (通讯作者)

    [22] Haobo Li, Suelynn Choy, Safoora Zaminpardaz, Xiaoming Wang, Hong Liang, Kefei Zhang. 2024. Flash drought monitoring using diurnal-provided evaporative demand drought index. Journal of Hydrology, 633:130961 (SCI) (通讯作者)

  • (1)北斗高精度大气探测系统关键技术及应用  省部级         二等奖

    (2)GNSS反演海洋水汽关键技术及应用        中国测绘学会   二等奖