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  • 姓名: 程天海
  • 性别: 男
  • 职称: 研究员
  • 职务: 
  • 学历: 博士
  • 电话: 64839949
  • 传真: 64889562
  • 电子邮件: chength@radi.ac.cn
  • 通讯地址: 北京朝阳区大屯路甲20号
    简  历:
  •     程天海,中国科学院空天信息创新研究院,研究员,国家级人才称号获得者,中国环境科学学会环境信息系统与遥感专业委员会委员。研究方向为大气遥感,重点开展遥感辐射传输模型优化、大气环境关键参数反演、碳排放遥感监测等方面研究。先后主持承担科技部国家重点研发计划、高分辨率对地观测专项等项目20余项,在国内外学术期刊发表学术论文100余篇,参与出版专著2部,申请国家发明专利10余项。


    2018.07-至今      中国科学院空天信息创新研究院    研究员

    2015.01-2018.07   中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所  研究员

    2013.01-2015.01   中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所  副研究员

    2011.01-2013.01   中国科学院遥感应用研究所        副研究员

    2009.07-2011.01   中国科学院遥感应用研究所        助理研究员

  • 遥感辐射传输模型优化、大气环境关键参数反演、碳排放遥感监测

  • (1)面向碳盘点的下一代全球碳监测科学实验卫星 课题负责人 国家重点研发计划 2022.12-2026.06

    (2)东北哈尔滨—长春城市群大气污染联防联控技术集成与应用示范 课题负责人 国家重点研发计划 2017.07-2020.12

    (3)气溶胶偏振遥感 中国科学院计划 2015.01-2018.12

    (4)GF-5灰霾等高浓度气溶胶背景下的正向矢量辐射传输建模 课题负责人 国家科技重大专项 2015.11-2017.10

    (5)气溶胶混合光学模型的多角度偏振遥感研究 课题负责人 基金委面上项目 2014.01-2017.12

    (6)“十三五”国家民用空间基础设施陆地观测卫星共性应用支撑平台 主要成员 国家科技重大专项 2019.01-2024.12

  • (1)学术论文

    [1]Tianhai Cheng; Hao Zhu; Xingfa Gu; Shuaiyi Shi; Xiang Zhou; Jian Yang; National Civil Space Infrastructure Satellite Aerosol Product Validation Network (SIAVNET) measurements: Supporting satellite aerosol product validation for different surface types over China, Atmospheric Research, 2023, 282: 106508. (SCI)

    [2]Xiaoyang Li; Tianhai Cheng; Hao Zhu; Xiaotong Ye; Aggravated multi-source air pollution exposure caused by open fires in China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 394: 136402. (SCI)

    [3]Xiaotong Ye; Tianhai Cheng; Xiaoyang Li; Hao Zhu; Impact of satellite AOD data on top-down estimation of biomass burning particulate matter emission, Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 864: 161055. (SCI)

    [4]Hao Zhu; Tianhai Cheng; Xiaoyang Li; Xiaotong Ye; Donghao Fan; Tao Tang; Lili Zhang; Fusion of Multisource Satellite AOD Products via Bayesian Maximum Entropy with Explicit A Priori Knowledge, IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing, 2023. (SCI)

    [5]Zeying Han; Tianhai Cheng; Xingfa Gu; Shuaiyi Shi; Xiaoyang Li; Kaiyi Bi; A Multi-Angle Method for Simultaneous Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Depth and Bidirectional Reflectance Over Case II Waters, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2022: 664. (SCI)

    [6]Hao Zhu; Tianhai Cheng; Xiaoyang Li; Xiaotong Ye; Comparison and evaluation of multiple satellite aerosol products over China in different scenarios under a unified criterion: Preparation for consistent and high-quality dataset construction, Atmospheric Research, 2022, 279: 106374. (SCI)

    [7]Fangwen Bao; Tianhai Cheng; Ying Li; Shuaiyi Shi; Hong Guo; Yu Wu; Single Scattering Albedo of High Loading Aerosol Estimated Across East Asia From S-NPP VIIRS, IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing, 2021, 60: 1-11. (SCI)

    [8]Hong Guo; Xingfa Gu; Tianhai Cheng; Shuaiyi Shi; Xin Zuo; Wannan Wang; High-Resolution Satellite-Based PM2. 5 Concentration Data Acquired During the COVID-19 Outbreak Throughout China: Model, Variations, and Reasons, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2021, 14: 11070-9. (SCI)

    [9]Ming Lei; Tianhai Cheng; Xiaoyang Li; Shuaiyi Shi; Xin Zuo; Hong Guo; Yu Wu; Atmospheric ammonia point source detection technique at regional scale using high resolution satellite imagery and deep learning, Atmospheric Research, 2021, 257: 105587. (SCI)

    [10] Xiaoyang Li; Tianhai Cheng; Shuaiyi Shi; Hong Guo; Yu Wu; Ming Lei; Xin Zuo; Wannan Wang; Zeying Han; Evaluating the impacts of burning biomass on PM2. 5 regional transport under various emission conditions, Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 793: 148481. (SCI)

    [11] Wannan Wang; Tianhai Cheng; Ronald J van der A; Jos de Laat; Jason E Williams; Verification of the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) and the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) ozone algorithms based on retrieved daytime and night-time ozone, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2021, 14[2]: 1673-87. (SCI)

    [12] Wannan Wang; Ronald van der A; Jieying Ding; Michiel van Weele; Tianhai Cheng; Spatial and temporal changes of the ozone sensitivity in China based on satellite and ground-based observations, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2021, 21[9]: 7253-69. (SCI)

    [13] Fangwen Bao; Ying Li; Tianhai Cheng; Jinhui Gao; Shuyun Yuan; Estimating the columnar concentrations of black carbon aerosols in China using MODIS products, Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54[18]: 11025-36. (SCI)

    [14] Can Meng; Tianhai Cheng; Fangwen Bao; Xingfa Gu; Jian Wang; Xin Zuo; Shuaiyi Shi; The impact of meteorological factors on fine particulate pollution in Northeast China, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2020, 20[7]: 1618-28. (SCI)

    [15] Shuaiyi Shi; Tianhai Cheng; Xingfa Gu; Hong Guo; Yu Wu; Ying Wang; Fangwen Bao; Xin Zuo; Probing the dynamic characteristics of aerosol originated from South Asia biomass burning using POLDER/GRASP satellite data with relevant accessory technique design, Environment International, 2020, 145: 106097. (SCI)

    [16] Yu Wu; Tianhai Cheng; Xiaole Pan; Lijuan Zheng; Shuaiyi Shi; Hang Liu; The role of biomass burning states in light absorption enhancement of carbonaceous aerosols, Scientific reports, 2020, 10[1]: 1-10. (SCI)

    [17] Yu Wu; Tianhai Cheng; Lijuan Zheng; Light absorption of black carbon aerosols strongly influenced by particle morphology distribution, Environmental Research Letters, 2020, 15[9]: 094051. (SCI)

    [18] Xiaochuan Zhang; Tianhai Cheng; Hong Guo; Fangwen Bao; Shuaiyi Shi; Wannan Wang; Xin Zuo; Study on the characteristics of black carbon during atmospheric pollution conditions in Beijing, Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 733: 139112. (SCI)

    [19] Xin Zuo; Tianhai Cheng; Xingfa Gu; Hong Guo; Yu Wu; Shuaiyi Shi; Studying the Regional Transmission and Inferring the Local/External Contribution of Fine Particulate Matter Based on Multi-Source Observation: A Case Study in the East of North China Plain, Remote Sensing, 2020, 12[23]: 3936. (SCI)

    [20] Fangwen Bao; Tianhai Cheng; Ying Li; Xingfa Gu; Hong Guo; Yu Wu; Ying Wang; Jinhui Gao; Retrieval of black carbon aerosol surface concentration using satellite remote sensing observations, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2019, 226: 93-108. (SCI)

    [21] Can Meng; Tianhai Cheng; Xingfa Gu; Shuaiyi Shi; Wannan Wang; Yu Wu; Fangwen Bao; Contribution of meteorological factors to particulate pollution during winters in Beijing, Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 656: 977-85. (SCI)

    [22] Shuaiyi Shi; Tianhai Cheng; Xingfa Gu; Hong Guo; Yu Wu; Ying Wang; Biomass burning aerosol characteristics for different vegetation types in different aging periods, Environment International, 2019, 126: 504-11. (SCI)

    [23] Xingfa Gu; Fangwen Bao; Tianhai Cheng; Hao Chen; Ying Wang; Hong Guo; The impacts of regional transport and meteorological factors on aerosol optical depth over Beijing, 1980–2014, Scientific reports, 2018, 8[1]: 1-12. (SCI)

    [24] Shuaiyi Shi; Tianhai Cheng; Xingfa Gu; Hong Guo; Hao Chen; Ying Wang; Yu Wu; Multisensor Data Synergy of Terra-MODIS, Aqua-MODIS, and Suomi NPP-VIIRS for the Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Depth and Land Surface Reflectance Properties, IEEE Trans Geosci Remote Sens, 2018, 56[11]: 6306-23. (SCI)

    [25] Shuaiyi Shi; Tianhai Cheng; Xingfa Gu; Husi Letu; Hong Guo; Hao Chen; Ying Wang; Yu Wu; Synergistic Retrieval of Multitemporal Aerosol Optical Depth Over North China Plain Using Geostationary Satellite Data of Himawari‐8, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2018, 123[10]: 5525-37. (SCI)

    [26] Yu Wu; Tianhai Cheng; Dantong Liu; James D Allan; Lijuan Zheng; Hao Chen; Light absorption enhancement of black carbon aerosol constrained by particle morphology, Environmental science & technology, 2018, 52[12]: 6912-9. (SCI)

    [27] Hong Guo; Tianhai Cheng; Xingfa Gu; Ying Wang; Hao Chen; Fangwen Bao; Shuaiyi Shi; Binren Xu; Wannan Wang; Xin Zuo; Assessment of PM2. 5 concentrations and exposure throughout China using ground observations, Science of The Total Environment, 2017, 601: 1024-30. (SCI)

    [28] Shuaiyi Shi; Tianhai Cheng; Xingfa Gu; Hao Chen; Hong Guo; Ying Wang; Fangwen Bao; Binren Xu; Wannan Wang; Xin Zuo; Synergy of MODIS and AATSR for better retrieval of aerosol optical depth and land surface directional reflectance, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2017, 195: 130-41. (SCI)

    [29] Wan-Nan Wang; Tian-Hai Cheng; Xing-Fa Gu; Hao Chen; Hong Guo; Ying Wang; Fang-Wen Bao; Shuai-Yi Shi; Bin-Ren Xu; Xin Zuo; Assessing spatial and temporal patterns of observed ground-level ozone in China, Scientific reports, 2017, 7[1]: 1-12. (SCI)

    [30] Yu Wu; Tianhai Cheng; Lijuan Zheng; Hao Chen; Sensitivity of mixing states on optical properties of fresh secondary organic carbon aerosols, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2017, 195: 147-55. (SCI)

    [31] Donghai Xie; Tianhai Cheng; Yu Wu; Han Fu; Ruofei Zhong; Jie Yu; Polarized reflectances of urban areas: Analysis and models, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2017, 193: 29-37. (SCI)



